Saturday, June 5, 2010

Letter From Laylah -- Cops & Robbers Party

I Miss You Too Laylah!
This is why I Love, Love, Love my job!
There's not a better reward than this.

For Sammy's last day we had a Cops & Robbers Party. He wants to be a policeman someday (or an astronaut). So here's what we did.
He got to pick from these stories and he chose Max's Dragon Shirt. It's about a Max & Ruby who go shopping to find Max some new pants. Along the way Max & his sister get separated. We got to discuss how to be Safe if you get lost throughout the story.

Next we had a color page of McGruff the dog titled "Stay with a friend at the park"(no pics), and then the outdoor activities began.
To pretend to be cops we needed vests, badges, ticketbooks w/crayons attached.

Bean bags were the "bad guys" and had to be thrown in jail (a bucket)
And yes, I spelled thief wrong. oops It was early.
We also played hide & seek the bad guys and gave "clues" to find them.

Stop & Go signs were a must for trike riding. We also used them for "freeze".
Sammy also seemed pretty happy to get the patrol car.
Sammy says "It's just like Ron's" and he's right because it is a Crown Victoria. : )
We wish you a terrific Kindergarten year Sammy & we'll miss you very much!

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