Saturday, July 7, 2012

Katy Trail Garden Surprises

Our Garden this year is suffering some delay due to the extreme heat and drought. Thank goodness for
soaker hoses. We have had some nice little surprises though.....
This is a volunteer gourd plant I've been hand watering just because I'm a softee.
This is a potato growing in our compost corral. I bet it'll do better than our others. We yielded 12 pounds this season and planted 3. Not exactly bountiful.
This corn is Not a surprise just to be perfectly clear. It is a very sad state.
The fine state of Misery aka Missouri.
I Am surprised at the abundance of dragonflies. With our dry conditions, I don't see a lot of mosquitos.
So I wonder what they are eating?
To your left, are the green beans.

To your right are the tomatoes.

They are holding their own.
Current yield............the beans win with a total of 5 beans and 0 tomatoes ready to be picked.
The current "Winning" plant is my zucchini. We are ever so thankful for its bounty :)

I am lovin' this Japanese eggplant bloom.

It will soon be ready....we hope.

Can you find the green bell pepper??!
Will my water bill be worth it this year??????
For Homegrown tomatoes, the answer will definitely be a solid "YES"


  1. I declare that it's totally worth it! Hope you got some rain this weekend.

    1. No rain. It was so close we could smell it. But that was it. :(
