Sunday, May 1, 2011

A Green Week

First Things First!
Thanks to Gavin and his family for the VERY COOL Mickey Mouse mug from your Disney vacation! I LOVE IT!

To play Stop and Go Racing, you'll need to make a game board. We used a cereal box & clear packaging tape. We robbed the cars from some transportation counters I have in another box.

We made game cards from the cereal box as well. When you flip over a green card you move forward one & you don't when you flip the 'stop' card. Pretty simple but teaches one to one correspondence that is so fundamental, you don't think about it as adults. But very important math skill for Early Childhood. 
For example, a child may have counting 1,2,3,4,5 memorized, but skips a counted object when placed in front of them.

These 2 photos are our recycled wallpaper samples that we flipped to the back to make a 'horse' trail. They requested playing with horses that morning so we created this playscape for the horses & stamped horseprints along the trail.
Here we are learning to experiment with art supplies and experiencing cause & effect.
This is another counting game created with a cereal box, milk jug lids, & a sharpie marker.

Wallpaper samples again cover these recycled boxes. We're also utilizing any boxes around to create this 'boat' the children are sitting in. They are holding paper towel tubes for telescopes to look for whales. There was no limit to their imagination this week.
Unstructured play is really where children learn to explore, learn to imagine, and learn to get along with other children.
For open-ended art, I supplied snips of paper with holes in it for extra texture, crayons, letter-size paper, and glue sticks.
Decision making is constant and continuous in assembling and decorating art and craft projects. There are also spacial relationships and thinking skills strengthened with open-ended art projects.

Children Learn By Doing, And Play Is Their Work


1 comment:

  1. Great ideas Stephanie! (This is Janet with Child Care Aware, but somehow my profile has my old married name still, so it says "jfort".)
